Baptism Font. As you move through the wooden double doors into the nave (from the Latin word for “boat”) you are greeted by the waters of new birth. Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation (followed by Confirmation and Eucharist). Through the waters of baptism believers die to sin and are reborn to new life in Christ. The font is a symbol of both tomb and womb; its power is the power of the triumphant cross; and baptism sets the Christian on the path to the life that will never end, the “eighth day” of eternity where Christ’s reign of peace and justice is celebrated. (BLS 68). That is why the font has eight sides. It allows infant immersion in the upper bowl and infusion (pouring) of water over adults in the lower pool. Catholics dip their hand in the holy water and make the sign of the cross as they enter and exit the sanctuary as a reminder of the sacrament of baptism. The font was created by Maher Products, Mingo, IA